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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Discussion Post: Possible New Features (Featuring...You!)

Guest Posts / Blogger Interviews
AKA building a connection through interaction with my followers!

{ ++ } Something that I want to start doing is interacting more with my followers, to build relationships with y'all.  I've got a couple of exciting ideas that I want to throw out there and see what sort of response they get!  Please take a sec to read this post and maybe take a moment to comment, or shoot me an email if you want to discuss that way!  I'd ideally like to kick off one or both of these ideas either in December or January.

{ ++ } One thing I'd really, really like to start doing is hosting a monthly guest post feature.  I would absolutely love to host one blogger per month as a guest blogger here, possibly more if the idea really takes off as I hope it might.  I think it might be fun for it to possibly be a give-and-take in that if the other blogger is interested,  I could also do a corresponding guest post (same topic or different) on their blog!

{ ++ } I'm also considering spotlighting one blog per month in a get-to-know-the-blogger interview type deal.  I know several other blogs, some more well know than mine, already have features like this, but I thought it would be neat to spotlight some up-and-coming bloggers, some of the bloggers who helped me get my start, or simply anyone who's game.  So if anyone IS interested in this idea or in the other (I'm really loving the guest post feature idea, by the way!) please either comment to this post or email me at courageousgrace@gmail.com